
Plant Spirit Medicine
For thousands of years, humans lived in harmony with the plant and nature spirits who shared their homes and their lives, who nourished them from within and guided them always into their hearts. Plant Spirit Medicine is a movement back to that connection, to the mutual blessing of life on the earth. What our people need today, all of us, is an opening to the memory of who we are.


A main difference between Plant Spirit Medicine and other healing modalities is the living relationship between the healer and the plants themselves. These relationships are so profound that the plant spirits are willing to offer their gifts of balance, love, support, and healing. Simply being in the presence of such a generous and abiding love is a transformative experience.


Whether someone has a green thumb or has never even owned a houseplant; whether someone believe fervently in the existence of spirit as animator of all living beings or scoffs at the very notion; whether a person has hope for themselves and the world or has given up, Plant Spirit Medicine has something to offer. The plant spirits have enormous capacity to touch a person’s being on a very deep level, slipping past any accumulated layers of defensiveness or fear.


Make your appointment by email or call 503.679.0037

Earth Body Wellness Center – East
3810 SE Belmont St
Portland, OR 97214

Related links:
Plant Spirit Medicine
Blue Deer Center


2015-2018 © Susan Bennett. All rights reserved.
Site by Lubosh Cech

“When I received my first Plant Spirit medicine treatment I became keenly aware that plants don’t operate from an ego standpoint. I was able to have a taste of a place where things flowed taking the time and space needed, a place in myself free of judgement and rich with possibility. I had gone in for chronic headaches and came out dazzled by the plant world. I began to perceive their presence around me with more vividness. After a series of treatments my headaches became a memory and many of my own inner conflicts subsided. My perceptions changed so much during that season that I decided to set out on the path to learn this ancient form of healing. I have discovered that the plants have more than enough to offer us.

In a world that barely allows us to stop and catch our breath this medicine is invaluable. It provides an opportunity to find balance that has eluded us, re-ignite ebbing fires and re-unite us with neglected aspects of ourselves, ones that are intrinsic to our overall sense of well being and inspiration.”


Susan Bennett is a graduate of the Plant Spirit Medicine training program under the tutelage of Eliot Cowan and Alison Gayek and is a Professional Member of the Plant Spirit Medicine Association.